she’s a girl with glasses

happy xmas
December 23, 2010, 4:33 pm
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I’m a Grinch right now. I didn’t start the holiday season as such– I don’t start it as much of an elf, either, I’m more of a “panic and over-compensate at the gate” kind of person– but I’ve certainly morphed into one in the last week. It’s partially the fact that both of my kids’ birthdays are on either side of Christmas and, so, any extra stress one might feel planning celebrations for small children is just compounded, twice over, during the most stressful time of the year.

I am apparently very fertile in early April. This is why I am celibate from March until May.

We started this downslide towards Grinch Lorrie with a failing on the part of my sugar cookie recipe a mere two days before I was to deliver nearly 3 dozen to my children’s classes at school. While I managed this crisis with *gasp* store-bought, the decorating took me another four hours. There was no time to take a breath after this, as their birthday party was scheduled 2 days later. Directly thereafter, I came down with a crippling cold, leading into these last few days before Christmas, when the press is really on.

I’m crabby. I’m having a crappy week. I don’t really want to bring everyone down with me, so I’m making an effort to bring myself back up and welcome you to join me.

I’m not Christian, but this scene stops my breath every time it airs. Followed immediately by this scene, which makes me cry and my husband mocks me for:

I only saw this movie for the first time a couple weeks ago. It’s brilliant.

Yay, Puss in Boots! I love this scene more than my husband loves candy canes (and if you could see the consumption of candy canes in this house, you’d understand the gravity of this announcement).

NSFW or Kids in the least, but it’s my favorite holiday song.

I’m feeling better already! Cap it off with this brilliant strip on Christmas past by Hyperbole and a Half. She’s my hero.

Got anything else? Link me in comments. I need regular shots of holiday encouragement.

caught me on the downslide, downturn
June 25, 2010, 7:37 pm
Filed under: blog | Tags: , , , ,

I come up with things to talk and write about almost all day. Most of these seem to come up in the shower, which, for whatever reason, is the place where I apparently am my smartest. I’m still looking for a computer that is waterproof.

As it is, I think it’s quite obvious that these brilliant pieces never make it to the screen. From time to time, I get a bit down, but the distractions of two kids, a dog that thinks she’s supposed to be hunting our three cats, a house that is always just this side of disaster and my own vivid addiction to ridiculous celebrity gossip and watching Netflix Instant Play make my brain turn instantly to goo once I am out of the hot stream of water.

What I’m saying is this: I’m a piss-poor blogger and I apologize. I am making a promise at this point to produce for you, my wee group of devoted readers, that I will post something at least once a week. I will make good on that brilliance I incur in the shower instead of wandering out for another episode of the Tudors (though, let’s face it, Jonathan Rhys Meyers’ crazy eyes are a frightening motivator). I will tell you the tale of my eBay finds and how my children proved death is not the end all be all. I will share with you the story of the existential journey my friend and I took looking for a gas station in my twenties and how I’m quite sure that I’m supposed to write a play based on it. I hope you’ll indulge me these fits of whiny depression and ridiculous fangirl squealing that is very likely– nay, positively– to occur.

I have fingers on these hands and will be using them.